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What does this Connecticut boudoir photographer love more than a confidant woman looking to empower herself? Ummm….pretty much nothing because that is my absolute favorite type of session to do! Miss S came to the studio for the right reason: herself. I love that so much, because really, you need to place that value on […]

Connecticut Boudoir Photographer | Miss S

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Hey ladies, this Massachusetts luxury boudoir session was so fun, it inspired us to do something a little different for this blog post. Sometimes it’s hard to tell how much fun these sessions really are, and it’s totally normal to be nervous and have some butterflies! So we thought we’d bring you Miss K’s honest […]

Miss K’s Luxury Boudoir Session Review

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I’ve been trying to get Miss K into my studio for years to do a Luxury boudoir session. She FINALLY decided that now was the time and you know what? She’s psyched she finally did it! She should be … she totally embraced the session. She tapped into that inner confidence a lot of us […]

New England Boudoir | Miss K

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Miss M came to the studio for this Western MA boudoir to create the hottest surprise for her soon-to-be husband on their wedding day. And I think it’s pretty safe to say she nailed it! Miss M came in totally prepared with a ton of outfit options, which I loved! We were able to go […]

Western MA Boudoir | Miss M