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Since we are quickly approaching the class of 2015 senior portrait season, I thought it would be appropriate to feature a senior on the blog today! This is Hannah… Isn’t she gorgeous?! I thought so too. We had a great session last September at Grandmother’s Garden in Westfield. I loved her style and her willingness […]
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When I started my photography business back in 2008, I had NO idea what I was getting myself in to. I started off doing photos for friends and then it just sort of snow-ball’d from there. Next I was doing weddings, next I was getting a studio, next I was doing newborns. I never really […]
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It’s been one crazy year! If you had asked me last new years if I would be a full-time photographer by the end of the year this year, I would have said NO WAY!! I am so thankful for where I am today & all of you have helped make that happen!! So THANK YOU! […]