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Raise your hand if you have an iPhone, hard drive, disk or flash drive full of pictures. Raise your hand if not one of those pictures has ever been printed. Do you have both of your hands up now? Alison Marie Photography is striving to make sure that neither of these two things happen! I […]
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Alison Marie Photography is a MA & CT High School Senior Portrait Photographer. This Friday, I’m flashing back to one of my 2015 Senior Sessions. I blogged this session before, but unfortunately lost it when I converted my website over to it’s new design last year. I love this session & the images so much, […]
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Inspiration for your High School Senior Portraits! It’s Photo Friday!! Today Calli’s high school senior session is up on the blog! Calli is my cousin. I cannot even believe she is graduating… driving… working… eeek! As I’m sure her parents can’t either. I still remember when they announced to our family that they were expecting! Oh my… […]
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Need to book your High School Senior Portrait Session? Alison Marie Photography is a MA & CT High School Senior Portrait Photographer who photographs High School Seniors looking for unique and fun portraits to showcase their personality during their senior year. Class of 2017! Now’s the time to book your senior portraits!! I still have dates […]