I wish I could show you more from this confidence boosting boudoir session! Some clients prefer to keep their images private (or only share them with their partner). And that’s OK!
Your privacy is extremely important to me. You can rest assured knowing that all of the images that we create together during your session are 100% private! I will only publish your images if I have your consent. Your images are always treated as confidential unless you choose otherwise.
Privacy & Sharing Policy
I’ve set up a few safeguards to ensure that your privacy will be protected at all times during your confidence boosting boudoir session! You will have complete control over which images (if any) are released and where they appear. Here’s what I want you to know about my Boudoir Privacy & Sharing Policy:
- All images that you see on the Alison Marie Photography website and marketing materials are used with permission.
- Our contract contains a number of different privacy options for you to choose from.
- You always have the right to keep all images private.
- The only people present during your photo session are women.
- I edit all images in private and only my eyes see your photos.
- I don’t show faces unless I have your consent.
- Your name will never be associated with your photos and I will not tag you in any images you consent for me to use.
Some clients are excited to share and show off their beautiful images and others may not be in the position to share due to profession or community commitments. No matter what you decide I will fully respect your decision!
Your entire boudoir experience with Alison Marie Photography should be absolutely amazing! I’ll walk you through EVERYTHING, including whether you want to share your photos, or keep them private! If you have any questions about my privacy & sharing policy OR booking your own confidence boosting boudoir session, contact me!

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