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Wow. Just wow. Can you believe what’s going on in the world right now? It seems so surreal. This season of life has been a bit of struggle, as I’m sure it has been for many many others. With my husband working from home and my two kiddos home (one with distance learning), I haven’t […]

Finding Balance

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Oh man. I can’t believe I’m about to put myself out there like this. I’ve talked about my weight loss journey on my personal facebook account, but now it’s going to be out there for the whole world to see! Gasp! Ok here we go. This might get long… It was time for a change […]

My Weight loss Journey

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As the years have gone by and I have photographed more and more clients, I’ve gotten so wrapped up in sharing client images that I’ve let the personal stuff fall to the wayside. One of my goals for this year is to change that! So I’m going to start posting once a month with a […]

Aruba | A Personal Love Story

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I am so excited to officially announce Alison Marie Photography has a NEW and IMPROVED studio location! We’ve moved to a newly renovated retail space in the Southwick Crossing Plaza, right next door to Millie’s country store! In August, a space opened up in the plaza and I decided to go look at it just […]

We’ve Moved! | NEW Studio location in Southwick, MA