Is it Spring yet?!

Preparing a blog post for today was on the to-do list yesterday and it just never happened. I think I have a case of the winter blues. I am just SO unmotivated to do much of anything and I HATE it! It’s one of my least favorite feelings. Especially because I’m so busy for a good portion of the year, to sit around with no motivation to even get out of my PJs just stinks! Another snow storm is on the horizon for this coming week and all I can think is NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! No. more. snow. PLEASE! I want SPRING and trips to places that have warm weather! I have a patch of daffodils in my flower garden that come up really early every year and it’s such a tease! I noticed that they are already starting to sprout and I spotted a robin in my yard yesterday…but alas, nothing but bare trees & dirty brown snow out there still. sigh. so over winter. seriously.


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