Looking for some senior portrait location ideas? Awesome! You’re in the right place! This blog not only has several amazing CT locations, it also has some general popular themes my seniors like to incorporate into their sessions. I’m here to help you learn what to expect & how to prepare!
Deciding on a location and wardrobe help set the tone for the images that feel the most like “you.” I’ve broken down some popular locations based on the vibes many seniors choose: Park-setting, rustic, urban, woodsy and country. Scroll on through and you’ll see how it’s easily possible to overlap these themes.
Northwest Park – Windsor, CT
Northwest Park is a great location because there are so many different little spots to get a variety of backdrops. Tall grass, barns, pathways and flowers! It’s a little bit park, a little bit rustic and a little bit country!

McLean Game Refuge – Granby, CT
McLean Game Refuge definitely has a woodsy vibe. The location includes woods, fields, and water!

Holcomb Farm – Granby, CT
Holcomb Farm is easily one of my new favorites. The lighting is just fantastic! The location is rustic and woodsy and country all rolled into one! There are pathways and tall grass, plus barns and a pretty awesome old fence.

Bike Paths
Bike paths seem to be more popular with the boys. A little bit woodsy, but a little bit urban with rusty bridges and stone. Some have more space to accommodate things like cars!

Meaningful Locations
Some seniors choose to do a location that is meaningful to them. Personal family property or maybe a special location that you spend a lot of your time. Or maybe you just love sunflowers! 🙂

I hope these location ideas have given you a little inspiration and help you decide what type of location works best for you and YOUR senior portrait session! The possibilities are endless!
Ready to chat about booking your senior portraits? I’m happy to help! Contact me HERE.
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